Gas Emergency. Do you smell gas?

What should I do?

What to do in a gas emergency

If you smell gas or think there may be a gas leak, call the free Gas Emergency Service line immediately on 0800 111 999. This line is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The trained operator will talk you through the best actions to take. Download our gas emergency document here.

Act quickly and take the following safety steps


  • Turn any electrical equipment ON or OFF
  • Smoke or use a naked flame
  • Operate any electrical intercom or door entry systems


  • Turn off the gas at the Emergency Control Value, usually situated on the inlet side of the meter
  • Evacuate the building
  • Open all doors and windows manually to ventilate the area
  • Turn off all gas appliances
Gas Priority Consumer Scheme

Xoserve, the company that provides central services for all the main Gas Transportation companies in the UK, operates and maintains a central register for priority customers. Any customer that falls into certain categories, can be placed on the register. Xoserve will then use this register to try and provide additional help and support to these customers in the event of a Gas Emergency and potential loss or limiting of supply.

Gas Emergency Categories


Category A – Institutions providing care for those deemed to be at risk through age, sickness or infirmity e.g. hospitals, convalescent and nursing homes, homes for the elderly or disabled, where gas is the sole means of heating and not on an interruptible contract. Also, non-domestic consumers providing emergency services, who need to continue to use gas to ensure the safety of human life, where the gas supply is not supplied under an interruptible contract, and where no alternative fuel supply is available.

Category B – Consumers who would have fallen into Category A, but for the fact that their gas is supplied under an interruptible contract.

Category C – Consumers without an alternative fuel source, who use in the course of their business, major items of plant – defined as plant with a capital replacement value exceeding £50 million, which would be severely damaged without a safe run-down period.

If you feel that your company/organisation falls into one of these categories, please contact Crown Gas & Power by telephone or email and request that we submit your details to Xoserve.

What our customers say

Since using Crown we have developed the Connections and Metering side of the business to support our growing client base which we are delighted with, the service provided by the team is invaluable and we look forward to working with Crown Gas & Power on future projects.

Robert - Broker

Categorically an outstanding, dedicated, professional albeit friendly sitework team who have proactively worked with us to deliver substantial results.

Katie - Broker

When you change gas suppliers and get a fantastic deal, you worry that the service may not be good when you need it, you have certainly put that to rest.
Fantastic, Thank you!

Jackie - Customer