Understanding your gas invoice

At Crown Gas & Power, we put you first, and as part of this commitment we are always working to improve transparency and clarity around our customer invoices.

On this page you will find useful information about:

  • Understanding your invoice.
  • What cost elements go into a typical standing charge and unit rate.

Do you have feedback?

We are trying to continuously improve the quality of information that we convey on our invoices and we value your feedback. By filling out our short invoice feedback survey, you can help us with our efforts to give you the best possible experience.

Non-domestic glossary

Ofgem collaborated with suppliers across the non-domestic industry to improve customer understanding regarding their energy invoices and the components that constitute a standard invoice. A result of this work included the publication of a Non-domestic glossary to help break down the industry jargon that often acts as a barrier for customers when trying to understand their invoices.

Understanding your invoice

While we aim to make our invoice easy to understand, we also recognise that some customers may wish to have an additional layer of information to understand the elements of what goes into their invoice. To help you get the most out of your invoice, we have provided a breakdown of a typical monthly gas invoice.

Standing charge and unit rate breakdown

This section shows the individual charge elements that make up a typical gas unit rate and standing charge over a subset of our customers at increasing levels of consumption.

35,000 kWh

For illustrative purposes only - data published April 2024

150,000 kWh

For illustrative purposes only - data published April 2024

700,000 kWh

For illustrative purposes only - data published April 2024

What our customers say

Since using Crown we have developed the Connections and Metering side of the business to support our growing client base which we are delighted with, the service provided by the team is invaluable and we look forward to working with Crown Gas & Power on future projects.

Robert - Broker

Prompt, accurate, friendly and professional service.

Stewart Hugill - Customer

Crown Gas & Power have provided a user friendly end to end gas metering and supply service that has taken the stress out of getting new supplies up and running for our clients.

Richard - Broker